Courtenay Lampert

Major: Biology

GPA: 3.50


The Potential of Birds as Indicators of Microplastic Pollution in the Terrestrial Environment


I grew up in the Adirondacks of Upstate New York on the West Canada Creek. I have fond memories of the place that I spent my childhood, but as I got older, I grew disillusioned. I distinctly remember being a pompous fifteen year old, ranting to my father about climate change or politics or some other issue that had me frustrated regarding the apathy of my neighbors and friends. My dad turned to me before looking back at the road. The mobile home park blurred as we sped past. “It’s a luxury to care about those things, Courtenay”.

I came to Lafayette with lofty expectations of myself and my achievements. Attending college is an immense privilege and, for many, a privilege that is often forgotten or taken for granted. I’ve always been acutely aware of how massive of a privilege it is for me. I needed to make the most of it.

I’ve come to understand that the Lafayette Ideal isn’t about diluting myself into exhaustion in an effort to do it all. To me, it’s a mindset, a way that one approaches the day, the week, the semester. To make the active choice to make the most of every day in the four short years here. To give back to the communities that have shaped you. To engage in as many areas of campus life as possible, academically and socially. To smile at acquaintances on the quad while walking to class. To have made a positive impact on the day.

It’s a luxury to attend Lafayette for me. It’s a luxury to care about microplastics and my Capstone writing assignment and my exam this Friday. I’m grateful for the opportunities and community that Lafayette has provided me with. It’s up to me to make the most of the day.


Community service is difficult to quantify or compare. Additionally, the qualification of community service as an attribute of a good candidate tends to be, in my opinion, somewhat classist. I understand that the intention of this category is to highlight people who have selflessly spent their time in service to others, and I am in agreement that the pursuit of such acts should be respected and acknowledged. However, not everyone has the ability to devote their time to volunteer efforts while in college. Personally, I work multiple jobs during the semester and must prioritize my own financial well-being. This isn’t to say that I do not volunteer or do not engage in community service, but I have to be far more selective and mindful of the time and energy that I expend.


Biology Honors Thesis- 1year

I am conducting honors thesis research on terrestrial bird microplastic consumption as an indicator of terrestrial microplastic abundance and composition under Dr. Michael Butler. The overarching aim of my research is to examine the abundance, type, and size of microplastics (plastics less than 5mm in size) in the GI tracts of various terrestrial birds to gain a better understanding of local terrestrial microplastic pollution and the transfer of microplastics from environment to bird. I developed a methodology compiled from various previous studies to isolate and identify the microplastics found in the GI tract of terrestrial birds. Although not directly a conservation effort, environmental monitoring is foundational to understanding and identifying environmental problems. As microplastics are ubiquitous in the terrestrial and marine environments, it is vital to establish an understanding of the prevalence.

Biology Independent Study Research- 0.5 year

Contributed data to the national ManyBirds study to investigate how neophobia affects feeding behaviors of wild terrestrial birds under Dr. Michael Butler. Collected and analyzed data of bird feeding behavior at the Metzgar field station feeders via video recording and behavioral coding to help determine if wild House Sparrows and House Finches show an aversion to feeding proximate to anthropogenic plastic objects.

Studio Art Independent Study- 0.5 year

Curated a portfolio of physical work with a focus on biological processes as a representation of grief (graphite, charcoal, mixed media, and acrylic painting on stretched canvas and scrolls of paper) under Jim Toia.

Teaching Assistant- 3 years

Worked as a teaching assistant for Biology 111/112 labs under John Drummond since my sophomore year. I was fortunate enough to have incredible Biology 111/112 TAs who contributed to my retention as a biology major and became my upperclassmen mentors. I strive to serve the same role for the students in my lab sections each semester while helping to conduct lab activities and teach foundational biology lab/field skills.

SFS TCI Study Abroad- 0.5 year

Conducted directed research on coral reef health and restoration in South Caicos, TCI. Additionally, I assisted in the building and establishment of a coral reef nursery off South Caicos Island.

NCUR (National Conference for Undergraduate Research)- 1 year

I will present my thesis research at NCUR in Long Beach, California in April of 2024.

Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society- 2.5 years



LaFFCo/FFSS (Lafayette Food and Farm Cooperative/Food and Farm Studies Salon)- 4 years

LaFFCo was the first organization that I ever joined at Lafayette. I’ve served as both an organization leader and member for four years. Since my freshman year, I’ve helped to coordinate volunteering at LaFarm as well as organize sustainability events on campus. My weekly volunteering sessions at LaFarm are truly always the highlight of my week. I’ve not only learned so much about sustainable agriculture from Farmers Lisa Miskelly and Josh Parr, but I found an incredible community of people who share my passion for farming and sustainability. Introducing people to LaFarm and getting them involved in farming, even for just a few hours, can be fundamental to shifting their perspectives on food waste and their own connection to the food they eat. LaFarm is my second home on campus and I am so grateful for the LaFFCo community.

LEO (Lafayette Extended Orientation)- 2 years

As a LEO, I mentor a group of 12-20 freshmen through orientation and the first year of college. I serve as an upperclassmen resource for my first year orientees. Being a part of this program has been incredibly rewarding as I watch my former and current first year orientees grow and flourish.

Biology Peer Mentor- 2 years

I’ve served as a biology peer mentor since my junior year. Being a peer mentor, specifically for biology, has been a major way for me to give back to the community that helped me grow so significantly and that shaped my academic trajectory. As a freshman and sophomore, I felt enormous pressure to succeed academically and struggled with major feelings of imposter syndrome. My upperclassmen friends guided me through my first two years of college and still continue to serve mentors and inspiration to me. As a peer mentor, I help my mentee(s) through class selection, internship searching, connecting them with resources/professors/fellow students, advice, etc.

Inclusion in STEM committee- 1.5 years

As part of this committee, I attend monthly meetings to discuss and coordinate events and initiatives related to increasing inclusion in STEM (with a Biology Department focus). Our events and initiatives serve both the Lafayette community as well as the greater Easton area community.

L-RAJE (Lafayette for Reproductive Autonomy, Justice, and Empowerment)- 2 years


OUT in STEM- 2 years



TCI Community Outreach/Sea Day- 0.5 year

Taught snorkeling, swimming lessons, and played soccer weekly with the children in the South Caicos community while abroad in South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. I also assisted in the set up and running of our field station’s Sea Day event in which the children of South Caicos came from school to learn about sea creatures, reefs, and the fishing industry. I also contributed to painting a mural at the elementary school.

Green move out/Lafayette Thrift Store- 1 year

Assisted with sorting the Green Move Out donations and setting up for the distribution/sale of the donations in the West Ward while living on campus over the summer.

America Reads Literacy Day (Landis Center)- 1 year

Served as a LOSt representative to teach children at Paxinosa Elementary School about outdoor safety, Leave No Trace initiatives, and to introduce them to local, walkable trails in the greater Easton Area.


LOSt (Lafayette Outdoors Society)- 4 years

I have served various positions within LOSt, including VP, PR/Social Media, and a member position, and have led backpacking trips, semester break trips, weekly hikes, and camping trips in my four years at Lafayette. LOSt was one of the first ways that I was able to be more social on campus, as my freshman year was unfortunately significantly impacted by Covid and the limitations that restrictions imposed. I found a true sense of community from LOSt and was able to share my passion for the outdoors with many members in my time at Lafayette.

Lafayette Climbing Team- 1 year

Biweekly indoor rock climbing/bouldering


Animal Caretaker- 3 years

I am responsible for monitoring, cleaning, and feeding various animals housed in the Lafayette College vivarium under Pippa Moody. Some of the animals I’ve learned to care for (both in the literal and emotional sense) are: Starling Birds, Black Rat Snakes, Bearded Dragons, Painted Turtles, Tortoises, Leopard Gecko, and an Iguana.

PADI AOW Diving Certification/NAUI Underwater Naturalist Diving Certification- 1 year

I’ve earned a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification (specializations: Deep water, Night, Navigation, PPB, Photography, Introductory Scientific Diving). I also earned my NAUI Underwater Naturalist Diving certification during my research on coral reef fish, invertebrates, and coral reef species identification.

Wilderness First Aid Certification/Lifeguard- 2 years

I possess a Wilderness First Aid certification, including my CPR/First Aid certification, as well as have an American Red Cross Lifeguard certification.

Art Gallery Assistant- 1 year

Used Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, and Bridge to edit and create an online archive for the photographs in the Lafayette College Art Gallery.