Taaha Mohamedali
Major: English
Minor: Religion
The Lafayette Ideal, I imagine, must be a student who took full advantage of the liberal arts education while also utilizing all of the possibilities to grow on campus. Because Lafayette is more of a collaborative community rather than a competitive one, I will not say that I am the Lafayette Ideal (I know many brilliant students who are going for this prestigious award), but I will say that I believe I am one of the few candidates who have represented Lafayette in their full capacity. Not only have I participated in countless clubs and held positions in those clubs, but I have also taken essential roles on campus; being an RA, working with the Admissions office and being a tutor—a resource for others. Through my activities I have helped the campus and the student population. But I don’t believe this is what a Lafayette Ideal would simply have to do; the Lafayette Ideal must represent the intellectual and personal growth from freshmen year to graduation.
I can wholeheartedly say that I have undergone much growth on this campus. During my first semester freshmen year, I underwent a very personal and traumatic experience that deeply bruised my psyche. To heal me, I engaged myself in as many activities Lafayette had to offer. This trauma was one of the main reasons why I decided to be more involved. I believe I’m close to representing the Lafayette Ideal not because I helped our campus in a variety of ways but because this campus made me overcome all my personal issues in order to be the man I am today. Lafayette poured into me as much as I poured into Lafayette. This is what I believe Lafayette is about: devotion and reward, and that’s what I have done here the past four years.
Academic Activities and Total Years Involved
- Research Scholar (1)
I have conducted research on the topic of Racial Crossdressing with Professor Ian Smith. This research materialized into an independent study and research that has forced me to stay on campus for winter interim and the Summer.
- Posse Scholar (4)
I am one of 12 Posse Scholars from New York in the senior class.
- Writing Tutor (1)
I was a writing tutor for the MSE (Minorities, Scientists and Engineers). I conducted drop in hours for any student who needed help in writing.
Campus Activities and Total Years Involved
- Resident Advisor (3)
I have been an RA for the past three years. Sophomore year, I was the RA of South; then I became the RA of the Music Appreciation floor in my junior year; and finally, I am currently the RA of Fisher East in my senior year. I have received the RA of the year award my junior year. As an RA, I have dealt with an enormous amount of issues from handling cases with alcohol and drugs to taking care of a victim who believed she was raped. I have also participated in two RA conventions; one in University of Maryland Eastern Shore and the other in Temple University. I have also created a video presentation for RA training.
- The Lafayette Reporter (1)
I was a reporter for the Sports section of The Lafayette during my underclassmen years.
- Admissions Intern (1)
I am an intern for the Admissions office. I have interviewed prospective students who have applied to Lafayette and have helped review their applications. In addition to this, I have assisted in the student selection and recruitment process including organizing open-house events. I have also partaken in reviewing Admissions office publications and other projects of that nature.
- English Department Staff Assistant (1)
During a summer, I helped convert VHS tapes into DVD’s to help organize the English departments video library and provide administrative support.
- Residence Life Student Worker (1)
During a summer, I helped edit the contents of the Lafayette College’s residence life website and help account the inventory of the off-campus houses.
- Radio Talk Show Host (1)
One of the first things I did on this campus was host a radio talk show. I discussed contemporary sports issues and debated with my listeners about sports and philosophies.
- Vice President of the Basketball Club (2)
I helped open up the basketball club on campus. Not only did we found the basketball club, but as the vice presidents, I helped conduct try-outs and send our team to multiple club basketball tournaments (one in Villanova and one in Lehigh).
- Vice President of the Muslim Students Association (1)
I was the vice president of the Muslim Students Association, where we were actively working to change the general student body’s perception on Islam. The MSA tried to improve the image of Islam in the West as well as make Islamic practiced more accessible
- Lead Role in Black Box Plays (2)
I acted in two performances on campus; ‘The Last Mama-on-the-Couch’ play and ‘A Rattlesnake’s Tail’ during the Fringe Festival. The two plays were vastly different in terms of content and mood, but both were very entertaining.
- Senior Class Council Member (1)
As a senior class council member, I have been working with my fellow council to raise money for senior events during senior week and the graduation speaker. We have worked intimately with student life’s Rob Dustin and have been working diligently to creat
Community Service and Total Years Involved
- Teacher at Islamic Madressa (1)
I taught kids in the nearby Mosque in Allentown for a year. It was fun being the substitute making a small impact on the lives of these kids who try to be a strong Muslim in the West.
- Publicist for Landis (1)
I helped Landis become more recognized on campus not just as a volunteer center but an overall growth center that helps improve one’s leadership skills.
Athletics and Total Years Involved
- Basketball Club-President (2)
I started up the basketball club and took our students to tournaments in Lehigh and Villanova!
- Intramural Basketball (3)
I was the captain of my intramural basketball team and had a great three years playing.
- Intramural Softball (3)
I’ve been playing in intramural softball for the past three years and it’s been a blast.
- Intramural Flag Football (1)
I played intramural flag-football for a year.
Special Interest and Total Years Involved
- Sports Writing (3)
I’ve always been interested in sports writing and I started up my own blogging website (shivji20.blogspot.com).
- Islam 5
I have always been a Muslim and have continued to appreciate my religion more and more. Whenever I visit home, I make sure I attend the services at my Mosque and I occasionally act as a substitute teacher in my Madressa.
- Philosophical Debate (4)
Since freshmen year, I have been attending Posse Plus Retreats where a big portion of the campus community talk about problems in the world and our community. I have participated a great deal in all of these discussions and have tried carrying the conversation on campus. This has grown to be such an interest for me that I applied and received the internship with Admissions simply to see the admissions process. What are the controversies surrounding minority acceptances and matriculation? And as an intern, I have even more faith in our college’s admissions process.